I have been knocked unconscious (very scary), endured a number of serious injuries, experienced relationship heartbreaks and profound emotive losses, missed out on substantial wealth due to unvested stock options, went from a very modest childhood to a high income lifestyle to years of difficult economic struggles, experienced personal and professional failures and sabotages, traveled by primitive trains and moto-rickshaws to a temple I wasn't sure existed as I imagined, trained and meditated almost every day for over 35 years, abandoned a brilliant conventional career at just 28 years of age to pursue a Way - my Way - which nobody at the time understood or "approved"… and yet here I am, at this "milestone" birthday, able to be exactly who I am, doing what I love with people I love, focused on contributing to the wellbeing of millions of people, with just rewards, feeling full of energy and gratitude for every step of this journey!
Definitely "7 times down, but 8 times up". So … what have been my fundamental learnings from all these experiences? Do the "reps".
Talent and passion may give an advantage, good fortune and opportunities may come by, family and friends may help or support … but ultimately, it is about doing the "reps", whatever the objective and even without a clear one yet. Every day. Tirelessly. No matter what. Build yourself and pave your Way ... step by step, brick by brick … rep by rep!